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Kama Ruby appears in "Hanging With My SIsters" Documentary on Female Indie Artists

Laid back engaging musical stories Kama Ruby, Kristen Speller, Susan SurfTone and Joanne Lazzaro – HANGING WITH MY SISTERS VIDEO REVIEW: Kama Ruby sent this my way, and it was most interesting to watch these performers spin their most laid back & engaging musical stories… for you to get a real feel for their “sisterhood“, I’ve included the YouTube trailer below…

I’ve witnessed Joanne’s musical magic on flute before & reviewed her in our pages, but it’s my first experience of the other three players… the full video is just over an hour long, and very well done. The performers each come from wide and varied backgrounds, and their high talent and energy shine through brilliantly on each of the tunes. All the way from jazz to Native American Flute, a bit of rockin’ and much, much more… one of the most well-rounded video productions I’ve seen (yet) in 2019.

What I enjoyed most about the video/performance in the overall is that the stories all feel spontaneous… free-wheeling and dynamic… & unscripted… PLUS, the recording is crystal-clear with both group and individual performance focus. Now, if you’re looking for something that’s “only one” genre, go elsewhere… this is broad-brush & raw energy straight from the players to you. I just loved the stories each performer tells to “setup” their songs… very enjoyable!

This one comes MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED from me, with an “EQ” (energy quotient) score of 4.99… use the link below to get more information on this PRIME VIDEO.

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Amazon Link to "Hanging WIth My SIsters"

Kama Ruby and “Hanging With My Sisters” mentioned in Punk Globe, August 2019 issue.

Author: kamaruby July 30, 2019 0 Comments

” SUSAN SURFTONE, KRISTEN SPELLER, JOANNE LAZARO and KAMA RUBY have released a cool DVD of all female musicians over 40 who offer up a no-frills performances and engaging true stories about their musical journeys. It is filmed live and unscripted. It is available on Acme Brothers Records Check it out here ….. “

” SUSAN SURFTONE, KRISTEN SPELLER, JOANNE LAZARO and KAMA RUBY have released a cool DVD of all female musicians over 40 who offer up a no-frills performances and engaging true stories about their musical journeys. It is filmed live and unscripted. It is available on Acme Brothers Records Check it out here ….. ” Ginger Coyote

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